Saturday, February 11, 2017

I Am Back

I am back and just in the mood to ramble. So, that's what I'm going to do.

Ever heard of the line, "Master of none..."? I don't know the whole saying but, it fits me to a t!
I love creating!!!!! It doesn't matter what! I wake up some times simply because I got an idea and I must go test it out. The sad part of this is, that I am not good at any of my creations. Whichever they may be.

So, I keep trying. I keep buying supplies. I keep messing up and starting again. I cannot stand being told how to do something because in my mind, I already know how. Sometimes, I'll go on Youtube just to kinda get an idea but, I never follow the directions..... Why? Oh, why? It would save me so much time and money!

Anyway, enough rambling. Today I'm watching my grandsons and no creating for me. 

That's okay, I am actually creating because I have to figure out how to keep them entertained and happy. So...

BTW, check out my FB page and new Store Envy. The second is in the works but my FB shop is pretty full!